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Our Model

Liberian Agricultural Project (LAP) recognizes that rural poverty is complex, and there is no one answer to these multiple problems that Liberia’s rural farmers are facing. For LAP to assist rural farmers to overcome some of these barriers, the organization is going apply the hybrid of both the market-based model which helps the organization to remain financially sustainable and expand its services to reach more farmers every year, and communitarian values, which emphasize the connection between the individual and the community, and with a smaller degree of development being placed on the individualism.  And this is why LAP is using a mixture of these two interrelated components a full farming services to rural Liberian farmers in these four areas:

  1. Asset-based Loans. LAP will assist each of its participant members the opportunity to undergo credit and financial assessments and attend financial management training before obtaining the loan to buy farming equipment.
  2. Training.  Each rural-participant farmers will receive training on modern agricultural techniques program aiming at increasing the farming and business acumen of rural farmers.
  3. Delivery.  LAP will provide cargo vans to each rural participant farmers so they can have access to alternative markets for their produces.
  4. Cool & Dry Storage Facilities.  LAP will offer crop storage solutions and teach farmers about market fluctuations so that they can time crop sales to maximize profits.

Our Vision

Create a sustainable future for rural vegetable and food crops farmers in Liberia.

Our Mission

The mission of the Liberian Agricultural Project is to be the leading voice to advance the prosperity of Liberia’s rural farmers through cooperative endeavors, capacity building and advocacy by:

Strengthening and supporting the capacity of vegetables and food crops farmers and farm organizations.

To enhance the business and competitive environment for producing and marketing food/fruit crops.

Supporting collaborative and leadership between Liberian Ministry of Agriculture and national vegetable and fruit crop farmer organizations.

Our Values


Explosion of awareness and interest in rural small-scale farming.

Moving toward self-sufficiency and food independence for rural Liberia.

Creating harmony and balance between Liberia’s environment, economy, and people.

Our Objectives

To become a better supplier with increase customer service focus.

To become a better business partner through reliability and trust.

To become a better corporate citizen to all our stakeholders.